The pension is located a short distance from the city center in a quiet location near the Bystřice river.
Recommended restaurants nearby
- Restaurant Kozlovna.
- Restaurant Paparazzi.
- Sweet-shop Chocolate-koruna Pralines – Staré náměstí 9, Ostrov.
- Jakoby Café
- Restaurant Rába.
List of all : Show
Recommended destinations for the trip - on foot
- Monastery complex (Svatý okrsek) – Klášterní 141, Ostrov.
- Gallery in the summer house of the castle park.
- Castle park.
- Municipal Library Ostrov.
- Old Square.
- Ostrov lakes.
- Cableway Jáchymov - Klínovec.
- View swimming pools and water quality nearby.
- View tips for trips and cycle routes.
Recommended trip destinations - winter season
Recommended trip destinations - summer season